There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of emails you send depends on a variety of factors, including your business niche and target audience. However, Aim top recommends sending 2-3 marketing emails per week if you're looking to generate leads or increase website traffic.

This will likely require setting up automated email campaigns (using either an auto responder or A/B testing), creating compelling subject lines, and designing effective email content that appeals to your customers' interests.

Remember also to keep track of how many people open and click through each campaign message in order to optimize ongoing efforts. Sending too much spam can actually have negative consequences for your business instead of helping it grow! 

👉👉Email Marketing Software

10 Email Marketing Strategies To Increase Engagement

✅Tips1. Define your target audience

✅Tips2. Provide content that delivers value

✅Tips3. Enroll in an email automation service

✅Tips4. Develop an email marketing plan

✅Tips5. Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

✅Tips6. Perform A/B testing

✅Tips7. Segment target customers

✅Tips8. Include Calls to Action (CTAs)

✅Tips9. Set SMART goals 

✅Tips10. Evaluate marketing metrics and KPIs

too many marketing emails, how many marketing emails to send per week

how many emails should i send per day, email frequency best practices 2022

4 types of email marketing, 3 types of email marketing, 7 types of email

types of email marketing campaigns