With the rise in social media marketing, the world is changing and you can potentially connect with your clients and customers on a more personal level, thus improving your brand and driving business to your website or store. 

For example, Facebook is known for driving traffic to websites. And if you have a Facebook account, you are able to post updates about yourself, your company and your products. This will help people find out more information about what you do and how they can use those services or products. If there is any competition in the market, this will put you ahead of the curve so that people know who they should be buying from. It also helps when people are looking for new places to shop online because it will give them an indication of quality as well as price ranges for what you make or offer. 

You also have the option of setting up Facebook pages for companies that provide other services like web design, photography or printing; along with a Twitter page so that people know when there is news to share regarding that particular business.

Social media marketing is incredibly effective for driving traffic to websites, and for creating customer relationships. It can be used to drive sales as well. Social media marketing involves five basic elements:

🟢Create content that people want to share or discuss online. Consider a blog, or video series with videos you can post on YouTube and Vimeo; a Facebook page; Twitter accounts; and LinkedIn pages (if you're doing business in China).

🟢Build an audience on each of the platforms you're using, so they will be interested in what you have to offer when it's time to buy your product or service.

🟢Develop relationships with those who are influential on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites by following them; posting comments of value and interest; sharing their posts; asking questions of value and interest (but not too many); commenting positively on their posts – this will build loyalty so that your fans are more likely to favor you over someone else – if a potential customer sees that one person likes something that another person doesn’t like (in a similar industry) it means nothing because there is no correlation between the two individuals. Just like me liking 30 tweets from Justin Bieber doesn't mean I'm going to

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