As we come to the end of 2021 and prepare for the year ahead, one thing that is clear is that now more than ever , content marketing must play a key role in any small company's digital marketing plan.

If you're looking to remain an inch ahead of competition online , it's essential to create content that is engaging with, educates and can be resonant to the people you are targeting.

Now you can make yourself stand out with these 7 unique content marketing strategies that you might not have thought of.

1. Guestographics:

Guestographics are informational graphics for guests. They include both images and text in this article that is posted through or linked from various websites. It's not uncommon for brands to work together with guestographics to make a particular usage. Establishing solid connections and building brand recognition are both achievable with this approach.

Alongside publishing informational graphics on your site it is also possible to make guest content that has an image on another site by using the concept of guestographic.

Guestographics are a powerful tool because they allow you to improve SEO through backlinks, create brand awareness , and make new connections with brands.

The great thing about guestographics is that they're completely free to create. You can utilize Canva to create a custom guestographic to use on your social networks now or employ graphic designers to create an entirely customized design.

2. Instructographics:

Instructographics are infographics that show how to accomplish things in an engaging way. Instructographics can be a valuable option to add in your strategy for content since they are simple to read and present your product as well as how you can use it efficiently.

There is no limit to your imagination when you utilize instructographics to follow step-by-step directions and other guidebooks on how to.

The most appealing aspect of them is that they're created for free using websites such as Canva (or employing an artist) and also have a higher percentage of shares than other types of content.

What Is Canva?

Canva is a free design tool that makes design simple and fun. It lets you create beautiful designs for work, school and everything in between. Whether you're a student, blogger, designer, you can use Canva to make your designs stand out.

                                                  How To Use Canva 


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3. Whiteboard Videos:

A whiteboard drawing can be a great way to convey a message or process or product visually appealingly for artists graphic artists, and those adept using the use of a marker.

You can make use of whiteboard videos for just about anything that can be illustrated. Whiteboard videos can create the feeling of being curious as viewers wait to see how the remainder of the story plays out. Additionally the illustrations are engaging to watch.

Whiteboard video creation doesn't require any special abilities, particularly using whiteboard video-making programs such as Doodly or My Simple Show. Just like delivering speeches, you will have to practice before recording to make sure that everything runs seamlessly.

4. Carousel Posts:

Carousel posts are when you combine multiple images and videos in one single post. They are extremely popular right now and have a greater percentage of engagement than static posts because users have to swipe to get more details.

Carousel posts are a great method to communicate information to your viewers. 

5. Screencast Videos:

Screencasts can describe how to accomplish something or resolve a problem in simple steps. Screencasts can also enable the creation of videos , such as tutorials, in a relatively simple manner. It's a great way to address the most crucial questions repeated.

You can be heard, and your story can be visualized by creating screencasts instead of simply a static video. Some other methods for marketing content don't have the personal touch screencasting provides. The greatest benefit? It's easy to start using a laptop computer or PC.

6. Work With Influencers:

Influencers can be a fantastic method to instantly add credibility to your company. You don't require huge funds to engage influencers. Nano- and micro-influencers are great for small companies looking to begin experimenting using influencer marketing.

And the best part is, these influencers already have already-established audiences that could help increase the engagement of Social Media and drive targeted traffic to your website.

How can you locate micro influencers to your company?

  • You can turn over to your followers
  • Research Hashtags
  • Join local bloggers
  • Use tools such as Pixlee

7. Final Thoughts:

The kind of content marketing that you decide to utilize needn't be complex. If you follow the tips above, you'll be on the right track to creating exciting, fresh content that puts you over your competition.

However, regardless of whether you prefer writing blog posts, create videos, or make social media posts, being innovative in your content is an assured way to increase engagement and generate more leads.

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